Tuesday, March 11, 2014

something that really bugs me

something that really bugs me is when people pretend to be different around other people because they want them to like them. this bothers me because, if you want someone to be your friend or like you, you should just be yourself not figure out what they like do a little research on it and put a few facts about it on paper and study them then go to them and say oh yah i like that there this and they originally like this and that. when you make friends you want them to have atleast something in comman with you orelse youll get bored and dont want to be their friend anymore and you wont be able to do anything together youll both like. If you change for a person and your around another person that you never changed then what do you do because theyll think your weird if your acting both ways, to a close friend youll look like a really good friend that they can tust but then when someone comes around that you changed for then yuor close friends arent going to like or teust you that much anymore.

picture from here