Monday, March 17, 2014

Kid Nation

  Its a group of kids who come together and create a village like place. They depend on one another to make this place and everytime they fight it gets way better quickly. they have four leaders and four districts (red,blue,yellow,and green) and each leader leads one color theres a bigger kid group a littler kid group and two in the middle groups. They kept friends with friends and people who fight with eacother apart and it helps alot better to split them up because friends can work good ogether and if they would put enimies with friends then there going to fight and people are going to take other peoples sides. they work really well in teams and they do a really good job cooperating with people they like more than people thay are fighting and arguing with. each team gets assigned with a job theres ( upper class, middle class, lower class, and matness) a girl kept dancing because she needed more money because she wanted to get a bike and she ended up getting the bike. Then one of the leaders named taylor wants to go home and she just misses her family and its really hard on her. There has been a middle adged boy  who has been doing amazing speeches nad hes really good at keeping all of the groups together. They have town meetings and every town meeeting they give out theese gold stars that are as much as it weighs which is 20,000 dollars. The frist meeting a girl sophia wins a gold star and she gets to call her mom and she calls her and shes just so happy. Then everyone starts working better and does a better job when they know that they can get a gold stars so now they are going to try there hardest and be really good not just for the gold stars but for everyone there. I think this is a realy good idea because it's a group of kids younger and older that just work together and it's just amaizing that theese kids can do this in this amount of time and theese hard jobs that I would not like to do and they are doing a reallly good job. The whole star thing is a really good ideal because it can help the kids with their college and school.

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