Wednesday, May 7, 2014

kid nation #7

Deviant-  This girl is selling food from the kitchen and Jerrod flipped over her table. Divad is calm and she says its okay. She isn't as upset as i thought she would be. Jerrod was a deviant. He is mad for really nothing. I think she was smart. Then again i understand that she is upper class and doesn't need more money. Then he says sorry and that he feels bad about what he did.

Deviance-  Greg is being a jerk to Nathan. All because he does what's right. He really works hard. Nathan has always been really nice and a big help to Bonanza.  He doesn't need to be a jerk like that to Nathan. It's very rude. I don't like it at all. Finally Greg says "I'm sorry, i want to be your friends because you're a good kid."

Stigma- I think Taylor's stigma is that she is lazy. That makes everyone think negatively about her. She is kind of a brat. Since she was a pageant queen she thinks that she's little miss thing. She is afraid to get dirty. She thinks that she shouldn't have to do anything.

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