Friday, May 2, 2014

kid nation 5

Group- The yellow group is mean and rude to everyone else.  They never get up and do what they're supposed to do. They never go in the kitchen like they're supposed to. They are supposed to be on kitchen duty, but Taylor doesnt do anything. Zach is the only one who does stuff.

Social category- Each group had to vote on a new council leader. They each get to choose someone from their group. Mikey is scared that he is going to lose his place to Guylan.Olivia  opposed Anjay and he thinks he'sgoing to lose his palce.Taylor asks for another chance,but no one is going to give it to her.Zach is opposing Taylor and she knows he is going to win.

Conflict- everybody was acting crazy. All the kids were running wild. The kids threw something at one of the council members, and he got mad. Olivia was yelling at him saying that he always has to make everything worse. Honestly i think she is really mean. I am not a fan of her.

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