Thursday, May 22, 2014

this weekend

I can't wait for this weekend! I'm so excited, but I'm so busy! I'm supposed to go to my dads Friday! Then, the next day I'm going to my cousins birthday party, then I'm going skating! On Sunday I'm going to church like i do every other Sunday, but then i hope to hang out with my friends. I might go to the park with my family, but i don't know. I can't wait for tomorrow! I hope my dad will be home, but sometimes he's gone for work. Then I'm stuck there with my grandparents which is fine, but not nearly as fun. Usually we go out to eat, i pick. I'm a picky eater, so usually i go to Pondarosa. That's my favorite place to eat!

find pic here

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

something that bugs me.

You know what really bothers me, people do. Not just people in general, but those people that dont shut up about the same thing. All they talk about is that thing. Whether its "Oh, yeah im dying my hair next month" to "Hey, can i have a peice of gum." I get headaches from it! It's the most annoying thing in the universe. It bugs me so bad! It's like just stop. I heard you the first 97 times you said it... now its your 186 time. Like the girls always talking about their boyfriends. Like no girl. stop. please.  I just cant stand it. It's kind of like a song that plays over and over again.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

my statue

my statue is amazing! I made it and its 125 blocks tall and 150 wide! it looks like an enderman. Which is kind of scary! His eyes are made of glowstone and block of emerald. He doesn't look very friendly, but once you go inside his foot and go to his chest you will see that he has a big heart! Then if you go in his head you'll then see that he has a brain! You can even go it his crown! Its made out of diamond and gold. His name is King. My uncle and i made it on minecraft! It is so cool! i cant believe that it turned out so good!
find pic here

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mothers Day was so much fun! I was kind of sad because i didn't get to see my mom a whole lot. I missed her. She doesn't like six flags but i love it! I took my cousin in for free because i have a season pass. I called my mom alot, after like every ride. I felt so bad, so my step dad and i are going to take her to the offsets on memorial day. She loves the offsets, but i would never go. This time I'm going to make her proud. The night of Mothers Day my mom said that on my Birthday she was taking me to get my nose pierced, and she is going to get her belly button pierced! I'm so excited! I cant wait for this summer. Also my mom agreed to go to six flags with my dad and i on Fathers Day.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

kid nation #7

Deviant-  This girl is selling food from the kitchen and Jerrod flipped over her table. Divad is calm and she says its okay. She isn't as upset as i thought she would be. Jerrod was a deviant. He is mad for really nothing. I think she was smart. Then again i understand that she is upper class and doesn't need more money. Then he says sorry and that he feels bad about what he did.

Deviance-  Greg is being a jerk to Nathan. All because he does what's right. He really works hard. Nathan has always been really nice and a big help to Bonanza.  He doesn't need to be a jerk like that to Nathan. It's very rude. I don't like it at all. Finally Greg says "I'm sorry, i want to be your friends because you're a good kid."

Stigma- I think Taylor's stigma is that she is lazy. That makes everyone think negatively about her. She is kind of a brat. Since she was a pageant queen she thinks that she's little miss thing. She is afraid to get dirty. She thinks that she shouldn't have to do anything.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Kid nation #6

Authority- The new council leaders are in for a surprise. The town thinks Bonanza is dicusting. Taylor isn't taking it very well. She is bullying Zach. Now the town has to select a few people to take the trash out and burry it far from Bonanza city.

Conformity-  Taylor is showing no kind of conformity. Taylor refused to help them haul trash, so they picked a punishment for her and she didnt do it. Taylor is saying that she's going to go home.  Layla showed conformity becuase she actually changed her mind and helped everyone.  Taylor Started screaming at Anjay and she was being a brat.

Cooperation- Taylor and Layla are saying that they are "beauty queens" so they wont help. They aren't cooperating. You can tell that it's making everyone mad. Layla changed her mind and started helping out. Taylor is afraid of getting dirty so she stayed. 

Friday, May 2, 2014

kid nation 5

Group- The yellow group is mean and rude to everyone else.  They never get up and do what they're supposed to do. They never go in the kitchen like they're supposed to. They are supposed to be on kitchen duty, but Taylor doesnt do anything. Zach is the only one who does stuff.

Social category- Each group had to vote on a new council leader. They each get to choose someone from their group. Mikey is scared that he is going to lose his place to Guylan.Olivia  opposed Anjay and he thinks he'sgoing to lose his palce.Taylor asks for another chance,but no one is going to give it to her.Zach is opposing Taylor and she knows he is going to win.

Conflict- everybody was acting crazy. All the kids were running wild. The kids threw something at one of the council members, and he got mad. Olivia was yelling at him saying that he always has to make everything worse. Honestly i think she is really mean. I am not a fan of her.