Wednesday, April 30, 2014

kid nation 4

Social interaction- This girl asks Sophia if she thinks god put them there for a reason. Sophia said that she stopped believing in god a while ago. Then the girl says that she doesn't think she deserves to be here. Then Sophia's like no, don't say that you're a sweet girl.
 Obligation-  The dishes are getting stocked up and nasty so Zach tried to get everybody to help. Some people said no. They need to realize their obligation is to help out the town. The people that actually did help did a good job. I think everyone should be like that.
Right-They all have the right to have their own religion. Some people don't like this. They shouldn't have to go to this religious service.Like Sophia, she atheist. Since everybody has different beliefs then they should have each religion separate.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Poorest President

find pic hereThis president is so nice! It's amazing that he has such a big heart. I wish there were more people like that! I honestly don't think alot of people would do that considering he doesn't make that much to start off. Like Obama, do you think he donates that much of his salary. He doesn't and he makes a lot more than this president! I think its the kindest thing I've ever heard of anyone doing. Its almost saddening how an old man like himself could make so little doing such a good thing for people. Also he's the president, why doesn't he make as much as ours? Aren't they doing the same thing? 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

(FREE POST) Easter Party

This Easter was so much fun! I went to Hillsboro Park with my dads side of the family. I barley ever get to see them, so it was really fun. I made $50 just by singing. My family is super funny! I got to see my cousins i havent seen in a long time. Brandon is 16 and he can drive. I havent seen him since he was 14. I was really excited to see them. Then we had an easter egg hunt, so i helped hide the eggs. We had over 500 eggs. All of the eggs had money in them. Each person brought about 100 eggs to the party, they all had money in them. We had one "golden egg" wich had $50 in it. Each kid went home with about $15-$20.  Then we all played football it was so much fun! Then we wrestled which wasn't a good idea because i got two bruises. After that i went home and rode my fourwheelers with my cousins. Then it got late and we all went to bed.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Kid nation 5

Total institutions- They are separated from everyone else. They aren't allowed to go home whenever they want. They have certain times that they can say if they want to go home. Malory wants to go home. She is crying because Greg was cussing.

Play Stage- Malory and another girl play daycare with stuffed animals. They have people drop off their stuffed animals. They signed in and then Malory and the other girl took care of them while they did their jobs. They pay for them to brush their "fur". I think they shouldn't

Laws- They need to pass laws. The council is picking a curfew. The curfew they pick is 9:30 p.m. Then the council said "yes we need laws. This is out of control."

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Kid Nation episode #2

Drives- They need fresh meat, so the council wants to kill two chickens. Three little kids didn't want to kill the chickens. Then the three kids finally agreed to let them. One of the oldest taught them how to cut a chickens head off with an axe. A little girl freaked out and ran away.

Society- Everyone was eating chicken soup. Then the little girl went back to saying it was horrible "I've had it" she said. The water pump was frozen. Taylor and her teams job is in the kitchen and she didn't go, neither did another girl. When they told them to come help Taylor said "We don't want to go."

Beliefs-  Some people believe that killing animals is okay. Well not the little girl. She wants to leave. She watched Greg kill the chicken.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

My First Time Going Mudding(:

my first time mudding! Oh boy! It was so much fun! I was scared at first because i didnt want to get dirty, but then my dad was like "Oh bud c'mon it'll be fun." So of course i went with him and my cousin Harley. We rented a hotel room in St. Charles. We were going to go for a couple hours, but then i asked my dad if we can go tomarrow and he said "Yeah, we can just get a hotel room." I was so excited. I've been riding fourwheelers since i was 5 years old. I got my first fourwheeler when i was 5. It was little, but then when i was 8 i got my first dirtbike, that year i went mudding for the first time!

find pic here

Thursday, April 3, 2014

kid nation-im trying to be a leader

Power- The first ever kid nation. The kids are going to be leaders in the middle of no where. There are four leaders "the town council" who are Mike,Taylor, Anjay, and Laurel. The leaders are kind of demanding. They learn how to farm.  The council gets to be leaders for fourty days. . 

Perspective-Mallory thinks it's "Gross". Jimmy thinks "it's no fun."The kids think "oh no. They are just kids like us." Taylor misses home and she says it's one of the hardest days she's had. Taylor cried and she just wants to go home. Mike cries and says "i think i'm just tired and stressed. Tomarrow is going to be much better." Jimmy says "Greg isn't very nice." 

class conflict- Everyone is fighting over the food. They said one pancake a peice and people took more so some of the little kids didnt get to eat. Mike and Greg get into a fight.  Greg pushed mike. Greg and mike make up and say that they're "cool".

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Dear Mrs.Debolt

                                                                                                                            1717 W. Main St.
                                                                                                                             Festus, MO 63028
                                                                                                                             April 1, 2014
Dear Mrs.Debolt,
            My name is Heather Smith. I enjoy playing Minecraft and C.O.D. I'm kind of a nerd, but i like being one. I'm different from a lot of people. In my spare time, i sing, dance, and hangout with my friend. I love sleeping, that's what I do after school most of the time. I love food, i don't like to walk. I'm not much of a people person. My obsession is Disney, I love the movie The Little Mermaid!
           When i grow up i plan to be a lawyer. If that doesn't workout then I'm going to school to be an addictions counselor, I like helping people with their problems. I can be really nice, but also i can be very rude. We all have our flaws, but despite mine i like being me. In my eyes everyone is beautiful. That's why i think i could be an addictions counselor, also i can see the good in everyone. The reason i think I'd make a good lawyer is because i can put up a good argument. I could honestly argue with someone for days.

         I really like this class so far. My experiences with technology is somewhat good. I am always on my laptop, i have helped my uncle fix a few comupters and phones at his shop. I know alot about computers. If im not on my laptopd im on either mine or my moms phone. I hope we have a fun rest of the year together!
                                                                     Your student,
                                                                       Heather Smith

video games

i honestly don't think video games make kids more violent. I say this because I myself play video games. I play Call of Duty, I play Halo, ect. I play these games but they dont make me more violent. Well i guess it depends on the household. If a kids parents teach them that it's not okay to go and hit people or play with dangerous weapons then i dont see what the problem would be. On the other hand if a kids parents didnt teach them not to be violent or play with dangerous weapons then that might be a problem. However if a parent did start seeing more violent behaivor from their child, and they play violent games then they should talk to them or take away the violent video games. I do think that parents should look at the rating of the game before purchasing it. 
picture from here