WHAT'S THAT SOUND? Oh be quiet dumb dog, love ya to death Rosie, but get some shut eye. Uh, two hours later still, barking, lets GO OUTSIDE. As I tramp down the stairs I hear BAM! I'm pretty sure that sound will be etched in my mind FOREVER. We have a great scenery window so I decided to go look out at the beautiful mountains. AHHHHH! WHAT WAS THAT! It was there for a split second. Then, BAM, it was gone, whatever it was. I think it was a woman. She looked like she hadn't shaved in years. Or maybe a werewolf. I hear a faint, "Lia, Lia, come to the kitchen." I cover my ears and run up the stairs. Then I feel someone shaking me, " STOP, STOP," I shout. Suddenly it feels as if everything turns black. PITCH BLACK. Then suddenly my eyes open. I see my mom shaking me to wake up, and realize, it was all a dream, or was it?