Thursday, September 19, 2013

Goin' to Eckert's!

                                                          Apple Picking Time!

             This weekend I'm going to Eckert's with my Sunday School group. I'm so excited! We'll leave church @ 1:00 pm, and return @ 5:00 pm. We are going to pick apples, and buy them if we want. I'm so buying a caramel apple. We are going to the Eckerts in Milstadt, Illinois. It,s going to be a blast!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


                                                    THE LIFE SAVER
        Today is the BEST of my life. SERIOUSLY. I've been trying to fit into my high school prom dress,( Yes, I'm thirty, but, hey, I'm feelin' 22 right now. Shout out to Taylor Swift.) Apparently, big hips run in my family. Although, I weigh only 142 lbs. But, I have, like, 2 ft. long hips. Well, I did, anyway, but now they are like, 8 in. YEA! All my thanks go to my tape measure, who made this all happen. I'm getting really emotional right now. Nobody believed in me, not even my cat, Mrs. Frufru. Those darn hips also made me weigh 10 lbs. more so now who weighs 132 lbs. I feel like Jillian off of "Biggest Loser." Man, she's got some muscle.

Friday, September 13, 2013


                                                              I LOVE

Someones watching you.


        WHAT'S THAT SOUND? Oh be quiet dumb dog, love ya to death Rosie, but get some shut eye. Uh, two hours later still, barking, lets GO OUTSIDE. As I tramp down the stairs I hear BAM! I'm pretty sure that sound will be etched in my mind FOREVER. We have a great scenery window so I decided to go look out at the beautiful mountains. AHHHHH! WHAT WAS THAT! It was there for a split second. Then, BAM, it was gone, whatever it was. I think it was a woman. She looked like she hadn't shaved in years. Or maybe a werewolf. I hear a faint, "Lia, Lia, come to the kitchen." I cover my ears and run up the stairs. Then I feel someone shaking me, " STOP, STOP," I shout. Suddenly it feels as if everything turns black. PITCH BLACK. Then suddenly my eyes open. I see my mom shaking me to wake up, and realize, it was all a dream, or was it?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Memorable Moment


                                              Baby Gage is here!

               Gage, no middle name yet, Kamer is here. He weighs 7.9 oz. and 19 a half in. long. He's SO adorable! He was born around noon Monday September 9, 2013. At St. Anthony's Medical Center. Me and my Grammie went to the gift shop and got my mom flowers and Gage a stuffed animal. My Grandma got him an autograph dog. I'm going back to the hospital after school later today so it's going to be hard to concentrate today, I'm SO excited!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Big Sis Times Two


                                                 It's a boy!
       In just seven days my mom is having her third child. She is having the baby, Gage, at St. Anthony's. She will be there about four days, since she is having a C-section. Today she has a doctor's app. at St. Anthony's so the doc can check her out. She brought all her luggage, just in case the doctor would need her to have Gage now. I'm so excited to have a new sibling. Well, now our family has a Thing 3.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What did they look like without the beard?

                            By: Gracey Kamer

Before         After
         We all wonder, what did they look like without the beard?(I mean the Duck Dynasty dudes.) This may seem odd to see them without beards,but there was time long ago.
Before                  After

Before                After
Have they changed or what?

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

What changed?

Look at what all has changed! People are using tablets, cellphones, and other electronic media. But when you look at 2005's pic. you can see NO ONE has any electronic except maybe a few. I'd say this change is good and bad. Bad, because everyone's sucked into social networking. Good, because they are recording things so they can remember. Remember, we don't have to constantly have Intstagram or Facebook on 24/7.