Thursday, April 18, 2013

How not to get a ticket under 20 minutes

Before reading this article, you must know that any of this stuff isn't fact based on the law. Thank you for kindly reading this warning. The first step to avoid a ticket is to drive safely and properly. Doing daring things such as going over one hundred miles per hour is not exactly the typical type of thing to do. Second, you must drive the car properly to avoid any severe damage of yourself and of course the expensive car that you bought. The second step to avoid getting a ticket, park your car in the right area. People laugh at people who doesn't park their car well on tv, but what they don't know it could happen to anyone. For example, some of the wrong places that people park on are such a old man's yard or a fire department driveway. So whatever you do never dare to park in this areas. The last step, never let your teenage son or daughter drive the car.

picture from here