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Tuesday, December 18, 2012
The quarter ........
This quarter was fun I thought it was going to be really hard although it was at sometimes it wasn't as hard as I thought it would go. We got to learn how to do blogs, projects that included power point and many other sites an programs that are on the computers. I also really liked being in this class this quarter because Mrs.Debolt was always there if you needed to ask her questions like if something happened to your computer. That is why I liked this quarter in Mrs. Debolt's room.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
My mom
My mom is getting induced today to have my baby brother at four o'clock. so if she has him today she will be in the hospital until Saturday so they can get released. They will be at there for three days then counting today. the baby will be 8 pounds and something oz. Since my sister and I were 6 and 7 pounds my mom says that he is a big baby. I hope she will have him today.
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Tuesday, December 11, 2012
The door to Hogwarts
I would chose the door to Hogwarts because I have always wanted to go there since I have seen all of the harry potter movies and read a few chapters of the books and I also think the Hogwarts is a very interesting place that has a lot of things that you wouldn't see in a normal school it has bigger class rooms than a normal school and has more students that go there.
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Thursday, December 6, 2012
The last few weeks
Today is the two weeks left mark before my mom is suppost to have my brother and if he comes on his due date he will probably will be about eight pounds since he is already seven pounds right now. Since there is only a few weeks left he might come before because its so close to his due date. My mom seems to want him out because hes been in there for almost nine months now.
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Tuesday, December 4, 2012
shes not dead
I have reason to believe that my high school teacher is still alive because I got a mysterious letter and it looks like the same ones she use to give us when we were in her class and the thing is she has been missing for a while now and it is around my high school reunion and more than just I got one of these letters.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
the problem
My problem is that I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to make it to my winter concert for choir on the fourth of December because my mom has a doctors appointment . To check on my baby brother in Fenton and I'm not sure if we will get back in time before the concert starts because we are suppose to get there at 6:30.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
The Fitting
the day I went and got my fitting for my dress at my dads wedding I thought I would like it but I didn't because they pull the dress so tight that I could barley breath but I still wore the dress any way . I still remember the time my sister and I were walking down the walk way but the dress was so tight that I couldn't really feel my legs .
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Tuesday, November 13, 2012
I think the memory that I would bottle up would probably be when I was 5 and my mom told me that she got us a new house and we would start moving in a few months later and I was really happy about that because it was one of the first times I moved . But I think that my mom was really happy to although it was a little hard to move because I was only five years old at that time .
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Thursday, November 8, 2012
Hey its Nicole here I thought that the right person won because he is trying to help the middle class not take away the middle class even if most of the people thought that Mitt Romney was going to win at my school I still thought that Barrack Obama was going to win the election .
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Thursday, November 1, 2012
Hi its me here
Hi its Nicole here . I am not sure if you all realized that it was halloween last night i had a great time and i hope you aall had a great halloween to i got lots of candy but it wasnt as much as i got last year .even though i got a lot of candy . i thought i would have a lot of fun because i really didnt want to walk a lot but i did it was fun because i had my puppy with me ...
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
This picture reminds me of when I was at least five years old and there was a big storm . There was snow everywhere and the house I was staying at I could hear trains go by every once and a while I thought I would someday ride on a train, but I haven't yet rode a train. But I still hope to ride one I think it would be fun .
Monday, October 29, 2012
About Me
Hi my name is Nicole and I am 12 years old and my favorite color is blue . I also love my puppy Boo Boo.My mom is pregnant and she is having a boy and his name will be Zachary Mattew Anderson and he will be born around Christmas or some time before that .
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Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Technology Class
This is my last day in Technology Class, and i'm making a blog about how fun it is. Technology Class is awesome in a lot of ways. You do fun projects. You get to play games, and your still learning. What I liked most about this class is probably the games. But everything is fun.
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Thursday, October 11, 2012
I have no idea what to right about so I am doing this. Like I told you I have nothing to write about. I am mainly helping Jack when he messes up. It's a lot more than you think. I HAVE NOTHING TO WRITE ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm bored. And now i'm messing up.
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Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Long-Armed T-Rexes
If there was a movie called "Long-Armed T-Rexes" it would be awesome because that is a t-rexes only flaw (besides stupidity). It would show them save the dinousaur race because they could've held up the meteor.
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Thursday, October 4, 2012
I like school but not homework. My first hour Ms. Davis/Ms. Bruns. My second hour is technology(here).
Third hour for me is Ms. Page. My fourth hour is Mr. Zustiak. Then I go to Paws. Then fifth hour is P.E. Next is lunch. Then sixth hour is Pre-Algebra.
Third hour for me is Ms. Page. My fourth hour is Mr. Zustiak. Then I go to Paws. Then fifth hour is P.E. Next is lunch. Then sixth hour is Pre-Algebra.
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Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Is She Dead
"Is she dead" people were saying all around school. Some would say she is, some say otherwise. I know Ms. Scawe isn't dead along with a couple of my classmates. So we start trying to investigate. We all know she doesn't like any of her classes , especially 6th hour, our class. "Lets see, she teaches Communication Arts, but that doesn't help at all, or does it," says Jake talking to himself. He is probaly the smartest of us.
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Thursday, September 27, 2012
Greek Mythology
The Greeks had a very interesting belief, they believed in many gods and goddesses. Zeus was the king of all these gods. He was the one who freed his brothers and sisters from their father Kronos a titan. Titans ruled the earth for many years. Until they were killed by the gods, there own children.
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Tuesday, September 18, 2012
The Tape Measure Monster
It started out like a normal day, a giant tape measure monster destroying the town. Although this one was unusually large. People ran for their lives. Of course, I didn't ,though. It smashed down buildings after it measured them, it measured things left and right, for that gave it power.
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Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Dapne Alabama
If I could bottle up on memory, it would be be from when I lived in Daphne, Alabama, right next to the ocean, just across from Mobile, Alabama. I lived there for about 7 years, moving there when I was 4 and stayed there until I was 10 years old. We mainly moved back up here though because all our family lives up here. It never got very cold down there, so moving back up here was kind of a blow to the face.
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Ahh, Memories
If this were true I would probably choose when I got my dog Cocoa. When we got her she was just a puppy. She always followed me around, except when it was time for her to eat. She is only one year younger than me.
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Thursday, September 6, 2012
About Me
My name is Michael Rogoz. My favorite is baseball. I have two little brothers. My favorite song is In The End. My favorite thing to do on a computer is either watch YouTube or play games.
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Lots of Homework!
Yesterday I had alot of homework, mainly because I was absent on tuesday,which kinda sucks. I am also in pre-algebra, which, honestly, I don't really like. But anyways, I had alot of homework last night. It wasn't that hard, but there was alot of it. But I did get it finished!
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Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Labor Day
Labor Day is a holiday celebrated on the first Monday in September. People believe it was founded by Peter Mcguire, but some may argue Matthew Macguire. Labor Day was founded in New York. It was at first only celebrated by 4 states New York, New Jersey, Colorado and Massachusetts. Eventually, state by state, all of the U.S was celebrating. Even some territorries in Canada celebrated. For more information about Labor Day click here.
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Thursday, August 30, 2012
What is it
Hi, it's me, Michael. Don't worry no one knows. First, you got to tell me what it is, I wrote. A couple days later he wrote back.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Gendercide in India
I think the gendercide in India should be stopped. When the children grow up, if the gendercide hasn't been stopped, there will be less children. Soon there won't be anybody in India. The orphanage is a good idea. I think there should be more orphanages, though. I can't believe I've never heard about the gendercide in India, before now. It sounds really important. Soon Indian men might move here to get married. They should really stop the gendercide. That's what I think about the gendercide.
Monday, August 27, 2012
My Buisness Letter
2834 Quadricorn St.
Las Vegas, NV 54321
August 27, 2012
Mrs. DeBolt
1717 W. Main St.
Festus, MO 63028
Dear Mrs. DeBolt:
My name is Michael Rogoz. I have gone to the Festus School District since Kindergarten. My favorite sports are baseball and soccer. I like school I just don't like homework.
I like playing games. I like wacthing YouTube. I'd like to learn how to make a webpage. I also want to learn how to type faster.
I want to learn about mythology.
Las Vegas, NV 54321
August 27, 2012
Mrs. DeBolt
1717 W. Main St.
Festus, MO 63028
Dear Mrs. DeBolt:
My name is Michael Rogoz. I have gone to the Festus School District since Kindergarten. My favorite sports are baseball and soccer. I like school I just don't like homework.
I like playing games. I like wacthing YouTube. I'd like to learn how to make a webpage. I also want to learn how to type faster.
I want to learn about mythology.
Friday, August 24, 2012
My name is Michael. I'm taking over this blog now. I'll be using it first quarter.
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Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Beach :]
The beach is a place I love to go. I wish I lived by a beach. This summer I am going to California, and we are going to the beach. I'm excited for that. The things that I like about going to the beach is I like to go in the ocean. I don't like the taste of the salt in it though. Another thing is, I like the feel of the sand on my feet. Also, I like to look for seashells. I wish I lived by a beach. If I did I would go there almost everyday!
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The beach is a place I love to go. I wish I lived by a beach. This summer I am going to California, and we are going to the beach. I'm excited for that. The things that I like about going to the beach is I like to go in the ocean. I don't like the taste of the salt in it though. Another thing is, I like the feel of the sand on my feet. Also, I like to look for seashells. I wish I lived by a beach. If I did I would go there almost everyday!
Friday, May 11, 2012
Summer Vacation :D
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For my summer vacation, I am going to go to California. I am going there to visit my sister, and for vacation. While we are there, we are going to go to the beach and Disney Land! I am really excited! I am leaving June 20. We are going by car though, so it would probably take one and a half days. We are going to stay for 10 days. I can't wait!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Teachers :)
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I appreciate my kindergarten teacher. I appreciate her because she taught me things that I didn't know yet. Also, she was really nice, and didn't yell at us often. She read to us everyday. Another thing is, she would give us free time after our nap time. We had show and tell once a week, and that was always fun. She was my favorite teacher.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Decisions :)
There was once five guys. They all had a choice on what to do. The right thing or the wrong thing. The first one chose the wrong thing, thinking it was the easier choice so he took it. After a few minutes, he grew dark, black wings. He could not fly with these wings. The second and third guy both picked the wrong thing again. They also got dark wings, and were not able to fly. The fourth guy made another foolish mistake and picked the wrong thing to do. Then the fifth guy made the right choice and he got gold wings that alowwed him to fly. The other guys stared at him in awe, and were wishing that they had made the right decision.
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Thursday, April 26, 2012
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Candy is another snack that I like to eat. There is a bunch of different flavors, and they are all really good. One of my favorite kinds are jellybeans. I like jellybeans because they also come in a lot of different flavors. My favortie kind of jellybean is either the yellow or pink ones. My least favorite kind are the white ones. Another type of candy that I like is a Butterfinger bar. I like a Butterfinger bar because I like both peanut butter and chocolate and them combined. I also like Mounds bars. I like them because I like coconut too.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Earth Day :D
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Yesterday was Earth Day, and I wanted to write some things that I am going to try to do to make the Earth a better place to live on. To start I can turn the light or TV off when I am not in the room. Some things that I do are when I am brushing my teeth, I turn the water of until I am ready to use it. Another thing I do is I turn the light off when I am not in there, but I forget to turn the TV off which means I have to work on that. We reuse plastic bags that we get at the grocery store.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
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I like to listen to music because I like to sing. Also, whenever I am mad about something it calms me down. I listen to music a lot, usually when I get home from school. If I couldn't listen to music I would be upset. My favorite kind of music to listen to is pop. I like that kind of music because it's what a lot of new songs are, and what I usually hear on the radio.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
DisneyWorld :D
If I could go anywhere I would go to DisneyWorld. I would go to DisneyWorld because I have never been there before, and I have always wanted to go there. If I were at DisneyWorld I would ride the rides because I really like to ride rides. Also, I have heard it is a really fun place to go. It would be great if I could go to DisneyWorld.
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If I could go anywhere I would go to DisneyWorld. I would go to DisneyWorld because I have never been there before, and I have always wanted to go there. If I were at DisneyWorld I would ride the rides because I really like to ride rides. Also, I have heard it is a really fun place to go. It would be great if I could go to DisneyWorld.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Rewards :]
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The type of reward that really motivates me is a cross country or track medal. The reason that this motivates me is because it is a reminder of how I did that meet. Also, it makes me want to do better so I can get a medal. I have about five cross country medals, but I haven't received one for track yet. Although I haven't received a medal from track I did get a third place ribbon.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Cookies are one of my favorite snacks to eat. They come in many flavors and sizes. My favorite kind of cookies are chocolate chip and sugar. The best time to eat a chocolate chip cookie is when they come out of the oven because the chocolate chips are warm and gooey. Sugar cookies are good when they are soft. Another type of cookie i like is a gooey butter cookie. I like these kind of cookies because they are also soft like some types of sugar cookies.
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Cookies are one of my favorite snacks to eat. They come in many flavors and sizes. My favorite kind of cookies are chocolate chip and sugar. The best time to eat a chocolate chip cookie is when they come out of the oven because the chocolate chips are warm and gooey. Sugar cookies are good when they are soft. Another type of cookie i like is a gooey butter cookie. I like these kind of cookies because they are also soft like some types of sugar cookies.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
It is important to be healthy. Ways that you can be healthy is eating healthy foods. Another thing is you can drink plenty of water. Also, you can go outside a lot. It is important to go outside for the fresh air. It is very important to be healthy.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Ergonomics are the study of how the human body uses a work space and its equipment. Some bad habits of mine are that I slouch whenever i sit at my desk or the dinner table. Also, I sit at the edge of my chair most of the time. Our workstations are not ergonomically sound because our hands aren't down by our sides. Also, if we sit all the way back in our chairs, we aren't slouching. People should sit to where their eyes are looking in the middle of the screen, and they dont have to slouch to reach their keyboard or anything else
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Ergonomics are the study of how the human body uses a work space and its equipment. Some bad habits of mine are that I slouch whenever i sit at my desk or the dinner table. Also, I sit at the edge of my chair most of the time. Our workstations are not ergonomically sound because our hands aren't down by our sides. Also, if we sit all the way back in our chairs, we aren't slouching. People should sit to where their eyes are looking in the middle of the screen, and they dont have to slouch to reach their keyboard or anything else
Friday, March 23, 2012
Google Maps :D
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Google Maps has some places blurred on their map. I think this is reasonable because some people may have something that is worth a lot, and they might not want people to know and steal it. Also, if it is some place like the White House, they might try to steal something from the president. These are the reasons why i think Google Maps is being reasonable with the blurred images.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Technology Class
This was one of the most boring classes. It was fun sometimes, but most of the time it was boring. The baseball project is very boring and I don't see a point in doing it. I really don't think I am going to have a job to were I would use excel. Timed Typing Tests were boring to. I am going to miss this class, but not to much though. I have Art and Health next quarter. These classes might be less boring. But I doubt it. The only real fun classes for me were F.A.C.S and Gym.
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Friday, March 9, 2012
Doughnuts are amazing! Doughnuts are tasty, delicious, and awsome. Doughnuts can come in a variety of flavors. There are glazed, custard filled, Jelly filled, Long Johns, chocolate covered, and many more. If you can eat it you can put that on or in a doughnut. Many places sell them like bakeries or chains like Krispy Kreme. Krispy Kreme glazed are the best, especially when they are warm. They are not the best thing for you but I like them anyways.
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Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Squiggle Tower
The Squiggles tower was probably made by Chuck Norris with his fists. It has a very weird shape to it, but I think it is neat. The tower be very hard to walk up. It would have taken Chuck Norris and building designers to make it. The Squiggles tower is probably not as old as the Eifle Tower, it is probably more modern.
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Thursday, March 1, 2012
Doritos are my favorite chip brand. My top 5 favorite flavors are Nacho Cheese, Spicy Sweet Chili, Pizza Supreme, Midnight Taco, and original Taco flavor. Doritos are so good and addictive I have to control my self. They are so good especially when your playing video games or wathcing T.V. I like eating Doritos with almost everything. My favorite combo is a peanut butter sandwich and Doritos.
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Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Weird house
This house is all crooked and slanted. It would be hard to live in and maybe hard to sell. I wouldn't like to live in it. I think it would be expensive considering it is all wood. It would be interesting to live in it though. But were would you put everything? Were would your bedroom, bathroom, kithcen, and living room be put to were you are comftorable? This house just makes me wonder. Chuck Norris would have no problam liiving in this house. I bet this is his house. I really don't know anybody besides Chuck Norris that would live here.
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Thursday, February 23, 2012
Track, So Far
Track is really fun so far. even though my legs hurt I find track cool. Yesterday I tried the polevault. Polevault practice was fun. I am not the best at it though. Running is easier for since I was in cross-country. I would like to do one running event and one other event. Track is going to help me be in better shape and help be active. Over this weekend I might run on my treadmill. Track has so many people on the team. Some people were not even on the cross-country team. But that is fine with me.
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Gym Class
I think that gym class should be manditory. Some reasons are that a lot of kids won't get any excecise. Also that some kids are obese and need the excercise. Another thing is that you get to have fun and excercise. Also another thing is that you can get to have your 60 min. of excercise everyday(except wendsday). This will be good for everbody athletic or non-athletic.
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Thursday, February 9, 2012
Twinkies are really good. They are my favorite Hostess product. My favorite filling is the chocolate filling. Twinkies are cake delicousness with cream filling. There are different kinds of twinkies. The chocolate, strawberry, and bannana cream fillings. There is also a thing called a chcodile. Chocodiles are chocolate covered Twinkies. I have never had one but I know thhey will taste good. Twinkies are really good but a lot of people don't like them. I think they never had a Twinkie, but that is fine. Twinkies are really good. They are what makes the world go round.
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