Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Weird house

This house is  all crooked and slanted. It would be hard to live in and maybe hard to sell. I wouldn't like to live in it. I think it would be expensive considering it is all wood. It would be interesting to live in it though. But were would you put everything? Were would your bedroom, bathroom, kithcen, and living room be put to were you are comftorable? This house just makes me wonder. Chuck Norris would have no problam liiving in this house. I bet this is his house. I really don't know anybody besides Chuck Norris that would live here.
Picture from here

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Track, So Far

Track is really fun so far. even though my legs hurt I find track cool. Yesterday I tried the polevault. Polevault practice was fun. I am not the best at it though. Running is easier for since I was in cross-country. I would like to do one running event and one other event. Track is going to help me be in better shape and help be active. Over this weekend I might run on my treadmill. Track has so many people on the team. Some people were not even on the cross-country team. But that is fine with me. 

Picture from here

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Gym Class

I think that gym class should be manditory. Some reasons are that a lot of kids won't get any excecise. Also that some kids are obese and need the excercise. Another thing is that you get to have fun and excercise. Also another thing is that you can get to have your 60 min. of excercise everyday(except wendsday). This will be good for everbody athletic or non-athletic. 

Picture from here

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Twinkies are really good. They are my favorite Hostess product. My favorite filling is the chocolate filling. Twinkies are cake delicousness with cream filling. There are different kinds of  twinkies. The chocolate, strawberry, and bannana cream fillings. There is also a thing called a chcodile. Chocodiles are chocolate covered Twinkies. I have never had one but I know thhey will taste good. Twinkies are really good but a lot of people don't like them. I think they never had a Twinkie, but that is fine. Twinkies are really good. They are what makes the world go round.

Picture from here

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Time Being Helped

I remember when I helped people. I once helped my mom when she was baking cookies. I helped her put the cookies in the oven, add ingredients, and taste the cookies to see if they were good. I enjoy helping people most of the time. I also help my mom by helping her students. I would help them in math, communication arts, and projects.
Picture from here

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Picture from here
AC/DC is my favorite rock and roll band. I think they are the best band ever! My favorite rock and roll song is by them. There guitarist is probably the best ever. My favorite album by them is High Voltage. This album has my favorite rock and roll song in it. The song is Long way to the top(if want to rock and roll). My second favorite album is Back in Black.