Friday, October 14, 2011
My Cross Country Meet
I had a cross country meet on saturday at Potosi. There was a lot of people there and there were a lot of girls and boys. When the boys were running we cheered them on and when we were running they cheered us on.Then when the race was over I came in 65th place out of 145girls.Then after the race we did the top 30 medals then we all went to mcdonalds to eat. Then we all went back on the bus and we started heading back.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
What I learned
I learned how to get a picture off of a another page and past it on the page that you need a pictureThen I learend about how type correctly. Then I learend about Mrs. Debolt and how she is having a little girl. I love this class because we all get along very well and we have a great time talking and having fun een with Mrs.Debolt. I dont like this class when we had to do work.
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Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Should Physical Education Go For Everyone?
Yes physical education should go for everyone because it wont be fair if some of the students in the school have p.e. and some dont.Then if half of the students wont be getting there excerice they need.Some students will be in shape and then the people who dont have p.e. they will feel left out.
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Thursday, September 29, 2011
My Cross Country Meet
On Tuesday September 27th I had a cross country meeting at Hillsbro. At first it seemed hard but it wasn't I kept cheering on my friend on my team because she loked like she was going stop but I told her she can do it. Then we were almost at the finish line then I told her she can do this and she beet me by 1 secon. At the finish line she got 57th place and I got 58th place. Then after the race people from different schools they were congratulations to us even though we came in 3rd but we all did good.
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Tuesday, September 27, 2011
If I had $100
If I $100 I would give it to charity because I would like them to buy some clothes,shoes,beds,and some warm clothes when it gets cold outside I also would like them to buy more food if they are low on food. Then if they have a little extra they could save it for when there bithday comes they can by what ever they want.
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Thursday, September 22, 2011
My Last Weekend
Last Saturday I had a race at West City Park. It was fun because we cheered for the boys and there were alot of people. I did good I got 82nd place out of 250 kids or more. Then after the race me and some of the girls we were talking and we got a team photo. Then during the race some of the girls got pushed in the woods and some of the girls quit because they were tired or they didnt feel good.I love C.C.
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Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Helping others
I helped one of my friends by helping her on a problem that she didn't understand. Then later when I droped all of my stuff someone helped me pick it up and I said thankyou it made me feel good inside that. I think if we all helped each other we would all get along well and not fight about little things.If people helped more often then it would be great to work together.
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Thursday, September 15, 2011
Rachels Challege
Yesterday I learned about Rachel and how she changed the world. She died by getting shot with her best friend. She was kind to others and she cared about other people. She would sit by a new girl even though she said no but she bought all of her friends with her to sit with the new girl she was showing kindess. She stood up for a kid who waas about to get hit by two boys. I accept Rachels challege.
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Tuesday, September 13, 2011
I knew that when the two airplanes hit the World Trade Center Towers we were going to war. I learned that two brave men went upstairs to see if other people were alive. My thoughts when I saw that I was shocked, scared for those people who were not going to make it.
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Friday, September 9, 2011
practice 3
Turn in your school work on time so you dont get a hot sheet!
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practice 2
The first school dance is September 16th!
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Thursday, September 8, 2011
About Mackenzie
I love to run for cross country it is my favorite sport. I hate funerals, spiders, peas,plain tomotoes, and celery. I love to go outside and play horse with my family. Me and my family we get family pictuers and we have family night. I love to cook for everyone in my family. I love to go different places.
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Wednesday, September 7, 2011
This blog is for my 7th grade technology class.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011
What I Learneed In Computer Class
I learned that you always need to save because your computer can just shut off on you at any time. I learned that there are many different types of Microsoft Words that you can use. I learned how to cite stuff. Plus how to blog. I dont think you should change how you teach your awsome
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Graduation and the Zoo
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Im so excited theres only 7 more days till the high school graduates. My brother is graduateing, and my grandparents are coming up. The day after, we are gonna go to the zoo. I cant wait Im gonna get to handout with my friends. I like going to see the elefants they are my favorite.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Working Hard Or Being Smart?
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I would rather be smart than be a hard worker. If i was smart then I could use my common sense and make good choices.If I was a hard worker and wasnt smart then i would use bad choices and would probably get fired. I think thet being smart can help you throught life. If you are smart you could be very sucessful.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
My Summer
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This summer im going to go camping. Then after camping we have my brothers graduation, and birthday then my others brothers birthday. Im really excited cause we are going on a vacation for graduation with som friends of ours, their graduated this year to.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Pressing "SEND"
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I have pressed send to quick. After I pressed send I felt really stupid. Some people might not understand what u said and they might take it in totally different way but you know exactually what you ment. Alot of people take things the wrong way.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Middle School
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Hello i am in 7th grade and its actually not that bad. My favorite subject is math. Health is fun when u have a teacher like mine, he cracks jokes all the time. My teachers dont give very much homework so thats pretty awsome. I'm really excited for summer, but the worst part is having to start school again.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Broadcast Weather Report
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Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Booker T. Washington
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I think he ment tht if you want to make yourself happy then you need to make someone else happy first. He probably said tht when he was feeling down. I think that
“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else,” is a good saying.
Monday, April 18, 2011
All About Me
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Monday, April 11, 2011
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