Thursday, October 9, 2014

This Weekend

This weekend i am going up north with my uncle Mark and a one of his firends. I will be hunting by myself. last monday tusday wednesday I hunted but i missed a doe tuseday night. when i stop it it stoped for like10 sec so I shout and missed right over the back. About this time of the year i live out in the woods but tonight I am not going hunting. I hope I kill one this weekend.
File:Mule deer doe backlit.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

My Famly Book

This book has been in my famly For 213 years. Now it is getting past to me and i get to past it to my first kid. then they past it to there first kid and it will hopfuly stay in your famly for ever. It has all sorts of resipes and speels. It will only to a eye or voise.
INK-DWELL: November 2009

Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Homecoming Game

I am going to the homecome game tomorrow with my dad  and step mom. We are VS North Coney. My cousen went there and they said that we are going to win because they dont have a team. Iam so happy beacuse i can't wait to go i aways have a good time ging with them.
Get In The Game Jefferson County | - The Global Youth Network

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

what you do forget

Whn you turn 15 you forget and you get your perment. They forget because there are old and there morrey is not as good as it used to be. i failed my permet test 2 times in the same day because i did not raed my book so I am going to start reading it so i can start to dirve. Alisha did not read the book and passeed it so did Katy. I thought it was going to be easy.My dad is making me read tho so I have to.
What's in Your Permit Book?

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Timothy Naucke All About me

Bow Hunting

This week I went bow hunting with my dad and I missed a deer 34 yrds away. then a 2 pointer was 10 yrds away but it is agenst the law to kill somting under 4 point on 1 side of the rack. Their was a 12 pointer in front of us of 1 hour but my dad could no seen and it was 50 yrds away. My dad can shoot 60 yrds so he could of shot it.
Digital Photography - 12 Point Buck

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Sunday My step dad and mom wach somting on 9/11 and they tink the gevment did it with a explaves. because the pentagon went all out but if a plane hit it. it would go right tho it.  
How Many People Died at 9-11, Twin Towers, World Trade Center | How Many People Died

Thursday, September 4, 2014

In 1 Week And 5 Days

In 1 Week And 5 Days I get to go hunting I will be the camera man for my dad. It starts on a Monday so I will get to Skip school so i will have to get my homework form all my teachers so when I back i will not have no missing work. If I get a hot sheet between now and than i don't get to go. I love to hunt on hang on.
Big Game Treestands The Boss Hang On Treestand Steel Black

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Dear jacob, 
                     thanks for the onion and garlic flavor gum. it was good. Maby you can give me a nother one today. That was one of the best gum I ever tasted. What was it called and where did you get it from because I am going to go to the store to buy some tonight but it also makes my mouth stinks.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

last night

Last night me and Alisha got into a fight because she got in my face and told me to get out of her face. She push me so I push her but I beat her up. I didn't get into truble but my gramma was mad at me. She called me an yelled at me and i told her what happen and she told me she was sorry for yelling at me. Today she is picking me up and we are going to Goses Creek and I will get to ride fourwheelers so I am happy.

Highlights From Previous Auctions


Management increases chance for trophy bucks
My name is Tim Naucke. I will using the blog tho out the first semster.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

this weekend

I can't wait for this weekend! I'm so excited, but I'm so busy! I'm supposed to go to my dads Friday! Then, the next day I'm going to my cousins birthday party, then I'm going skating! On Sunday I'm going to church like i do every other Sunday, but then i hope to hang out with my friends. I might go to the park with my family, but i don't know. I can't wait for tomorrow! I hope my dad will be home, but sometimes he's gone for work. Then I'm stuck there with my grandparents which is fine, but not nearly as fun. Usually we go out to eat, i pick. I'm a picky eater, so usually i go to Pondarosa. That's my favorite place to eat!

find pic here

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

something that bugs me.

You know what really bothers me, people do. Not just people in general, but those people that dont shut up about the same thing. All they talk about is that thing. Whether its "Oh, yeah im dying my hair next month" to "Hey, can i have a peice of gum." I get headaches from it! It's the most annoying thing in the universe. It bugs me so bad! It's like just stop. I heard you the first 97 times you said it... now its your 186 time. Like the girls always talking about their boyfriends. Like no girl. stop. please.  I just cant stand it. It's kind of like a song that plays over and over again.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

my statue

my statue is amazing! I made it and its 125 blocks tall and 150 wide! it looks like an enderman. Which is kind of scary! His eyes are made of glowstone and block of emerald. He doesn't look very friendly, but once you go inside his foot and go to his chest you will see that he has a big heart! Then if you go in his head you'll then see that he has a brain! You can even go it his crown! Its made out of diamond and gold. His name is King. My uncle and i made it on minecraft! It is so cool! i cant believe that it turned out so good!
find pic here

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mothers Day was so much fun! I was kind of sad because i didn't get to see my mom a whole lot. I missed her. She doesn't like six flags but i love it! I took my cousin in for free because i have a season pass. I called my mom alot, after like every ride. I felt so bad, so my step dad and i are going to take her to the offsets on memorial day. She loves the offsets, but i would never go. This time I'm going to make her proud. The night of Mothers Day my mom said that on my Birthday she was taking me to get my nose pierced, and she is going to get her belly button pierced! I'm so excited! I cant wait for this summer. Also my mom agreed to go to six flags with my dad and i on Fathers Day.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

kid nation #7

Deviant-  This girl is selling food from the kitchen and Jerrod flipped over her table. Divad is calm and she says its okay. She isn't as upset as i thought she would be. Jerrod was a deviant. He is mad for really nothing. I think she was smart. Then again i understand that she is upper class and doesn't need more money. Then he says sorry and that he feels bad about what he did.

Deviance-  Greg is being a jerk to Nathan. All because he does what's right. He really works hard. Nathan has always been really nice and a big help to Bonanza.  He doesn't need to be a jerk like that to Nathan. It's very rude. I don't like it at all. Finally Greg says "I'm sorry, i want to be your friends because you're a good kid."

Stigma- I think Taylor's stigma is that she is lazy. That makes everyone think negatively about her. She is kind of a brat. Since she was a pageant queen she thinks that she's little miss thing. She is afraid to get dirty. She thinks that she shouldn't have to do anything.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Kid nation #6

Authority- The new council leaders are in for a surprise. The town thinks Bonanza is dicusting. Taylor isn't taking it very well. She is bullying Zach. Now the town has to select a few people to take the trash out and burry it far from Bonanza city.

Conformity-  Taylor is showing no kind of conformity. Taylor refused to help them haul trash, so they picked a punishment for her and she didnt do it. Taylor is saying that she's going to go home.  Layla showed conformity becuase she actually changed her mind and helped everyone.  Taylor Started screaming at Anjay and she was being a brat.

Cooperation- Taylor and Layla are saying that they are "beauty queens" so they wont help. They aren't cooperating. You can tell that it's making everyone mad. Layla changed her mind and started helping out. Taylor is afraid of getting dirty so she stayed. 

Friday, May 2, 2014

kid nation 5

Group- The yellow group is mean and rude to everyone else.  They never get up and do what they're supposed to do. They never go in the kitchen like they're supposed to. They are supposed to be on kitchen duty, but Taylor doesnt do anything. Zach is the only one who does stuff.

Social category- Each group had to vote on a new council leader. They each get to choose someone from their group. Mikey is scared that he is going to lose his place to Guylan.Olivia  opposed Anjay and he thinks he'sgoing to lose his palce.Taylor asks for another chance,but no one is going to give it to her.Zach is opposing Taylor and she knows he is going to win.

Conflict- everybody was acting crazy. All the kids were running wild. The kids threw something at one of the council members, and he got mad. Olivia was yelling at him saying that he always has to make everything worse. Honestly i think she is really mean. I am not a fan of her.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

kid nation 4

Social interaction- This girl asks Sophia if she thinks god put them there for a reason. Sophia said that she stopped believing in god a while ago. Then the girl says that she doesn't think she deserves to be here. Then Sophia's like no, don't say that you're a sweet girl.
 Obligation-  The dishes are getting stocked up and nasty so Zach tried to get everybody to help. Some people said no. They need to realize their obligation is to help out the town. The people that actually did help did a good job. I think everyone should be like that.
Right-They all have the right to have their own religion. Some people don't like this. They shouldn't have to go to this religious service.Like Sophia, she atheist. Since everybody has different beliefs then they should have each religion separate.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Poorest President

find pic hereThis president is so nice! It's amazing that he has such a big heart. I wish there were more people like that! I honestly don't think alot of people would do that considering he doesn't make that much to start off. Like Obama, do you think he donates that much of his salary. He doesn't and he makes a lot more than this president! I think its the kindest thing I've ever heard of anyone doing. Its almost saddening how an old man like himself could make so little doing such a good thing for people. Also he's the president, why doesn't he make as much as ours? Aren't they doing the same thing? 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

(FREE POST) Easter Party

This Easter was so much fun! I went to Hillsboro Park with my dads side of the family. I barley ever get to see them, so it was really fun. I made $50 just by singing. My family is super funny! I got to see my cousins i havent seen in a long time. Brandon is 16 and he can drive. I havent seen him since he was 14. I was really excited to see them. Then we had an easter egg hunt, so i helped hide the eggs. We had over 500 eggs. All of the eggs had money in them. Each person brought about 100 eggs to the party, they all had money in them. We had one "golden egg" wich had $50 in it. Each kid went home with about $15-$20.  Then we all played football it was so much fun! Then we wrestled which wasn't a good idea because i got two bruises. After that i went home and rode my fourwheelers with my cousins. Then it got late and we all went to bed.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Kid nation 5

Total institutions- They are separated from everyone else. They aren't allowed to go home whenever they want. They have certain times that they can say if they want to go home. Malory wants to go home. She is crying because Greg was cussing.

Play Stage- Malory and another girl play daycare with stuffed animals. They have people drop off their stuffed animals. They signed in and then Malory and the other girl took care of them while they did their jobs. They pay for them to brush their "fur". I think they shouldn't

Laws- They need to pass laws. The council is picking a curfew. The curfew they pick is 9:30 p.m. Then the council said "yes we need laws. This is out of control."

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Kid Nation episode #2

Drives- They need fresh meat, so the council wants to kill two chickens. Three little kids didn't want to kill the chickens. Then the three kids finally agreed to let them. One of the oldest taught them how to cut a chickens head off with an axe. A little girl freaked out and ran away.

Society- Everyone was eating chicken soup. Then the little girl went back to saying it was horrible "I've had it" she said. The water pump was frozen. Taylor and her teams job is in the kitchen and she didn't go, neither did another girl. When they told them to come help Taylor said "We don't want to go."

Beliefs-  Some people believe that killing animals is okay. Well not the little girl. She wants to leave. She watched Greg kill the chicken.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

My First Time Going Mudding(:

my first time mudding! Oh boy! It was so much fun! I was scared at first because i didnt want to get dirty, but then my dad was like "Oh bud c'mon it'll be fun." So of course i went with him and my cousin Harley. We rented a hotel room in St. Charles. We were going to go for a couple hours, but then i asked my dad if we can go tomarrow and he said "Yeah, we can just get a hotel room." I was so excited. I've been riding fourwheelers since i was 5 years old. I got my first fourwheeler when i was 5. It was little, but then when i was 8 i got my first dirtbike, that year i went mudding for the first time!

find pic here

Thursday, April 3, 2014

kid nation-im trying to be a leader

Power- The first ever kid nation. The kids are going to be leaders in the middle of no where. There are four leaders "the town council" who are Mike,Taylor, Anjay, and Laurel. The leaders are kind of demanding. They learn how to farm.  The council gets to be leaders for fourty days. . 

Perspective-Mallory thinks it's "Gross". Jimmy thinks "it's no fun."The kids think "oh no. They are just kids like us." Taylor misses home and she says it's one of the hardest days she's had. Taylor cried and she just wants to go home. Mike cries and says "i think i'm just tired and stressed. Tomarrow is going to be much better." Jimmy says "Greg isn't very nice." 

class conflict- Everyone is fighting over the food. They said one pancake a peice and people took more so some of the little kids didnt get to eat. Mike and Greg get into a fight.  Greg pushed mike. Greg and mike make up and say that they're "cool".

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Dear Mrs.Debolt

                                                                                                                            1717 W. Main St.
                                                                                                                             Festus, MO 63028
                                                                                                                             April 1, 2014
Dear Mrs.Debolt,
            My name is Heather Smith. I enjoy playing Minecraft and C.O.D. I'm kind of a nerd, but i like being one. I'm different from a lot of people. In my spare time, i sing, dance, and hangout with my friend. I love sleeping, that's what I do after school most of the time. I love food, i don't like to walk. I'm not much of a people person. My obsession is Disney, I love the movie The Little Mermaid!
           When i grow up i plan to be a lawyer. If that doesn't workout then I'm going to school to be an addictions counselor, I like helping people with their problems. I can be really nice, but also i can be very rude. We all have our flaws, but despite mine i like being me. In my eyes everyone is beautiful. That's why i think i could be an addictions counselor, also i can see the good in everyone. The reason i think I'd make a good lawyer is because i can put up a good argument. I could honestly argue with someone for days.

         I really like this class so far. My experiences with technology is somewhat good. I am always on my laptop, i have helped my uncle fix a few comupters and phones at his shop. I know alot about computers. If im not on my laptopd im on either mine or my moms phone. I hope we have a fun rest of the year together!
                                                                     Your student,
                                                                       Heather Smith

video games

i honestly don't think video games make kids more violent. I say this because I myself play video games. I play Call of Duty, I play Halo, ect. I play these games but they dont make me more violent. Well i guess it depends on the household. If a kids parents teach them that it's not okay to go and hit people or play with dangerous weapons then i dont see what the problem would be. On the other hand if a kids parents didnt teach them not to be violent or play with dangerous weapons then that might be a problem. However if a parent did start seeing more violent behaivor from their child, and they play violent games then they should talk to them or take away the violent video games. I do think that parents should look at the rating of the game before purchasing it. 
picture from here

Monday, March 31, 2014


Hi! My name is Heather Smith I'll be using this blog 4th quarter.! (:
picture from here

Monday, March 17, 2014

Kid Nation

  Its a group of kids who come together and create a village like place. They depend on one another to make this place and everytime they fight it gets way better quickly. they have four leaders and four districts (red,blue,yellow,and green) and each leader leads one color theres a bigger kid group a littler kid group and two in the middle groups. They kept friends with friends and people who fight with eacother apart and it helps alot better to split them up because friends can work good ogether and if they would put enimies with friends then there going to fight and people are going to take other peoples sides. they work really well in teams and they do a really good job cooperating with people they like more than people thay are fighting and arguing with. each team gets assigned with a job theres ( upper class, middle class, lower class, and matness) a girl kept dancing because she needed more money because she wanted to get a bike and she ended up getting the bike. Then one of the leaders named taylor wants to go home and she just misses her family and its really hard on her. There has been a middle adged boy  who has been doing amazing speeches nad hes really good at keeping all of the groups together. They have town meetings and every town meeeting they give out theese gold stars that are as much as it weighs which is 20,000 dollars. The frist meeting a girl sophia wins a gold star and she gets to call her mom and she calls her and shes just so happy. Then everyone starts working better and does a better job when they know that they can get a gold stars so now they are going to try there hardest and be really good not just for the gold stars but for everyone there. I think this is a realy good idea because it's a group of kids younger and older that just work together and it's just amaizing that theese kids can do this in this amount of time and theese hard jobs that I would not like to do and they are doing a reallly good job. The whole star thing is a really good ideal because it can help the kids with their college and school.

Post from here 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Friends Coming Back to School

I came back from school Monday and I saw that one fo my friends weren't there and none of us knew where she was. A few days later my friend Tori had asked me  if I knew where she was and I said no then she said oh I was just wonderign because I know where shes at so I asked her and she said she went to highland for a week because she was suicidal. Me and my other friend Nattalie got so upset because we were her first riends there and she could tell us anything but she didnt tell us that. All day we were worried about how long shes been like this but we figured that it couldnt be for too logn. we went on with our day went through Wednesday and apparently she got out early and when we saw her walk in me and a group of my friends attacked her with hugs we were so happy shes back and the good thing is, is that shes not suicidal anymore.

post from here

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

something that really bugs me

something that really bugs me is when people pretend to be different around other people because they want them to like them. this bothers me because, if you want someone to be your friend or like you, you should just be yourself not figure out what they like do a little research on it and put a few facts about it on paper and study them then go to them and say oh yah i like that there this and they originally like this and that. when you make friends you want them to have atleast something in comman with you orelse youll get bored and dont want to be their friend anymore and you wont be able to do anything together youll both like. If you change for a person and your around another person that you never changed then what do you do because theyll think your weird if your acting both ways, to a close friend youll look like a really good friend that they can tust but then when someone comes around that you changed for then yuor close friends arent going to like or teust you that much anymore.

picture from here 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

friend fight

This week i came back to school and got in a big fight with my friend and i kind of didnt realizie how mean i actually was. when all my other friends came up to me telling me how mean i was when we got in a fight i felt extremely bad because me and her have been friends since secondgrade and shes been through everything with me, so i went up to her and told her i was extremely sorry and that i didnt meen for it to go that bad and she forgave me and now were still friends i go over to her house every other weekend now and its so fun i cant believe i was ever so mean to even say the things i said but i did and i felt really bad so i got her a big present that had her favorite candy, a note from me, a stuffed giraffe, and a picture collage of me and her when i would always go to her house. when i gave it to her i felt so much better because i had my bestfriend back. there was just so much i had to say to her and it was so hard so i bought that stuff and put a note in with it.

picture from here

Thursday, February 27, 2014

parties in Arkansas

This weekend I am going to two parties in Arkansas and i really hopie it doesnt snow badly. If it snows badly I wont be able to go and i really miss all my cousins down there. I'm going down for a birthday aprty and a baby shower and the baby is going to be a girl and i'm so exited. I haven't seen that side of the family in a year and a half now it's been so long and once we get there were spending the night at my cousins house. my cousins house is really big it has three stories and really wide floors there is an upstairs and downstairs and then a basement my cousin sleeps in the basement all by herself because theres three one big room downstairs and one big room upstairs and then two small rooms in the second floor. my aunt and uncle sleep in the room upstairs and their two youngest kids sleep in the two small rooms on the second floor.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

alice in wonderland

                                                             picture from here 

If someone came up to me and asked which door would i choose if they led to different places, I would pick the fourth one. I would pick the fourth one because its the middle door and i always go for the thing that are exactly in the middle. when I picked this door I wound up in a place called wonderland, when i got there there were a bunch of vibrant colors and weird looking people then I would meet a guy that's wearing a hat who would apparently call himself the mad hatter and while walking int he woods i would wonder apon two twins and a cat. then soon enough i'd meet the queen of hearts. when i came to the    castle i was so amazed of how big it was that i wondered around and then i saw this poor animal fly by my head and apparently the queen was playing some game of hers.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Party

I will always remember when I had a little get together with a few of my friends on October 23, 2013. when they all got there we went outside for a really long time. while we were outside we went in the woods behind my house pretending that we were detectives trying to find a person that had to be arrested. then it was time to eat, so we ordered pizza and when every one was done there was extra pizza left, so we all had a pizza fight outside.

picture from here 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Verruckt Waterslide

This article is about the Kansas city's verruckt water slide. This water slide is the world's largest and tallest water slide. verruckt means insane in German so you can tell how wild this invention is going to be. They hope to Guinness world record, they say that it is definitely taller than the current record holder, Brazil's 14 story high insano. Basically how they're talking the verruckt should be higher than Niagara falls and the statue of liberty. the experts say that it at least measures 17 stories tall. some people don't want to ride it just because of the steps, there are 264 steps that you have to walk up just to get to the top, that's allot! This roller coaster's free fall is more than 65mph. close to the end riders will be propelled across a five story high hill. that's pretty insane don't you agree? well that was the article on the verruckt water fall.

 Post from here

  • I was mulling over the last week of school. 
  • My family is talking about going to Kansas city for a vacation one week.
  • My dog definitely surpasses my friend's dogs. 
  • My cousins live in Brazil for the summer. 
  • When we put it in perspective it's taller than the arch. 
  • We speculated on the bridge just to make sure it was safe.  
  • They had to free fall for 30 minutes. 
  • My mom got propelled into the air then back to the ground. 
  • The barrel came hurtling toward my dog.
  • My brother took a long time while he was welding the gate. 
  • The illumination of lights were amazing. 
  • That ride was so radical. 
  • The boss made sure they did allot of extensive testings so that way no one would get hurt.  

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

micro windmills

This article is about how a guy named Jung-chih chiao and his creation of something that's really small called the wind turbine. He is figuring out how to make a ultra-cute micro windmills that may soon charge your devices. Since it would be such a difficult task to carry around humongous windmills all day he has come up with an idea to making very little windmills, so that way you can take it anywhere you want to go. The win mill measure 1.8 millimeters at their smallest point. Think what their smallest point will be! They are so small that they say that ten of them could fit on a grain of rice that's really small. Each wind turbine comprises of a three bladed 1.8 millimeter diameter device that is mounted on a 2 millimeter tall tower. although it's small and 100 microns thick it is still durable to hold extremely strong winds. This is possible because it is made out of a extremely flexible and durable nickle called alloy.

picture from here 

  • It was very hard when we were harnessing wind energy to do the same as solar energy, but we still did it. 
  • We contemplated the puppies to make sure they didn't look sick or hurt first then we took them home. 
  • It was very arduous to paint the whole house with just three small paintbrushes. 
  • We went to Arlington over the winter. 
  • My mom had the new one but my grandma had the prototype.
  • This machine is called a wind turbine to measure the wind.
  • The rotating member of a rotating machine is a rotor. 
  • The machine was one million microns thick.
  • My dog was able to whist hand the 50 mph wind.
  • The watch was so durable that we had it for ten years straight. 
  • The coin was made up of alloy.
  • We used semiconductors to exam what the difference was between them, conductors, and insulators. 
  • The bakery has a new bacon wafer on sale now.
  • My dad has alot of patents when he goes to work. 
  • He made sure to assert when he was about to let his client get arrested. 
  • The teacher made us all brainstorm what our rough draft was going to be about. 
  • my step mom is part Taiwanese. 

Monday, January 27, 2014


My name is Libby Utnage. I'll be using this blog during third quarter.