Tuesday, May 21, 2013

YJ in Computers

 I learned alot of things in computers class. I learned the uses for each Microsoft programs. I learned how to type on the keyboard consistently. I liked alot of the typing program. I mean typing is typing is the future for alot of generation. Learning how to type was fun. In my past grade levels, typing wasn't exactly the big thing that my computer teachers took on a lesson. Now I got the opportunity in seventh grade, I have become more better on the keyboard than ever before. To tell the truth there was nothing in this class I dislike. I like the fact that you gave some of the challenges for students to solve. It really helps students and me to mature enough to do things on my own. The only you should change is nothing. \

picture from here 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Greatest Baseball player of all time

 The greatest baseball player of all time is no other than the great Ty Cobb. Ty Cobb  was the prince of baseball using his atheletics skills to conquer the game as if it was he's invention. Cobb holds ninety batting records that wouldn never ever be accomplish by nobody else, but him. Even he was the best, he was counted as the most hated baseball player of all time. Opposing players hated him, fans hated him, and sometimes his teammates hated him. He was so hated that boy the world of baseball wanted to get rid of him. Now matter what he was still a great player having to steal 859 bags and 54 of those bags were homeplate. Legends has been told about Cobb about his spikes. Some say it was his weapon to clobber opposing players while stealing a base. Man, oh man he was a beast sending twelve opposing players to the hospital in one season. He could hit to all fields, hit the breaking ball, adn hit the fastball. He was the greatest.

picture from here

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The pirate curse

When this treasure chest has been ope, to anybody who is not the owner, a curse lies upon them for three weeks until they apologize about it. First week, they will get the hurricanes of the wild waters, and will feel the fiercing winds from what they called twister. Second week, they will get the worst days of all. They will eat meals doesn't satisfy the hungry stomach, they will thirst as if they were no water on Earth, they will cry like a child losing its lollipop for only five minutes., The third and final week, they will suffer like a clown suffering to perform infront of a huge crowd containing over five million people. They will sing and sing and sing a song that only the most beautiful voice of all can ever sing right and perfect. The song is so hard that even the one who opened the curse pirate chest will apologize.

picture from here 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Underwater Dino Search

During 1992, there were new discoveries being made by indivuals. The ancient relic, the pioneer's cave, and all this kinds of differnet discoveries. However, a discovery so big, but never untold had happen down where now other mankind would dare to. It started out with Lucifer Diana, a marine biologist, she was trying to picture sea shells and corals for a project that was order by the country of United States. As she was diving into the ocean, she saw something fairly odd down a coral reef. She went there to check it out. She was swimming , and all of a sudden she spotted what looks to be footprints of a n exticnt animal. How did she know it was an exctinit animal footprints because it bigger than an elephant! She took some photos, and thejn it happened. The creature appeared out of nowhere, and she swam away.

picture from here