Thursday, September 27, 2012

Greek Mythology

The Greeks had a very interesting belief, they believed in many gods and goddesses.  Zeus was the king of all these gods.  He was the one who freed his brothers and sisters from their father Kronos a titan. Titans ruled the earth for many years.  Until they were killed by the gods, there own children.
Pcture From Here

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Tape Measure Monster

It started out like a normal day, a giant tape measure monster destroying the town.  Although this one was unusually large.  People ran for their lives.  Of course, I didn't ,though.  It smashed down buildings after it measured them, it measured things left and right, for that gave it power.
Picture From Here

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dapne Alabama

If I could bottle up on memory, it would be be from when I lived in Daphne, Alabama, right next to the ocean, just across from Mobile, Alabama. I lived there for about 7 years, moving there when I was 4 and stayed there until I was 10 years old. We mainly moved back up here though because all our family lives up here. It never got very cold down there, so moving back up here was kind of a blow to the face.

Picture from here

Ahh, Memories

If this were true I would probably choose when I got my dog Cocoa.  When we got her she was just a puppy.  She always followed me around, except when it was time for her to eat.  She is only one year younger than me.
Picture from here

Thursday, September 6, 2012

About Me

My name is Michael Rogoz.  My favorite is baseball.  I have two little brothers.  My favorite song is In The End.  My favorite thing to do on a computer is either watch YouTube or play games.
picture from here

Lots of Homework!

Yesterday I had alot of homework, mainly because I was absent on tuesday,which kinda sucks. I am also in pre-algebra, which, honestly, I don't really like. But anyways, I had alot of homework last night. It wasn't that hard, but there was alot of it. But I did get it finished!

Picture from here

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day

Labor Day is a holiday celebrated on the first Monday in September.  People believe it was founded by Peter Mcguire, but some may argue Matthew Macguire.  Labor Day was founded in New York.  It was at first only celebrated by 4 states New York, New Jersey, Colorado and Massachusetts.  Eventually, state by state, all of the U.S was celebrating.  Even some territorries in Canada celebrated.  For more information about Labor Day click here.   
picture from here