Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Beach :]

Picture From Here

The beach is a place I love to go. I wish I lived by a beach. This summer I am going to California, and we are going to the beach. I'm excited for that. The things that I like about going to the beach is I like to go in the ocean. I don't like the taste of the salt in it though. Another thing is, I like the feel of the sand on my feet. Also, I like to look for seashells. I wish I lived by a beach. If I did I would go there almost everyday! 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Summer Vacation :D

Picture From Here

For my summer vacation, I am going to go to California. I am going there to visit my sister, and for vacation. While we are there, we are going to go to the beach and Disney Land! I am really excited! I am leaving June 20. We are going by car though, so it would probably take one and a half days. We are going to stay for 10 days. I can't wait!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Teachers :)

Picture From Here

I appreciate my kindergarten teacher. I appreciate her because she taught me things that I didn't know yet. Also, she was really nice, and didn't yell at us often. She read to us everyday. Another thing is, she would give us free time after our nap time. We had show and tell once a week, and that was always fun. She was my favorite teacher.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Decisions :)

There was once five guys. They all had a choice on what to do. The right thing or the wrong thing. The first one chose the wrong thing, thinking it was the easier choice so he took it. After a few minutes, he grew dark, black wings. He could not fly with these wings. The second and third guy both picked the wrong thing again. They also got dark wings, and were not able to fly. The fourth guy made another foolish mistake and picked the wrong thing to do. Then the fifth guy made the right choice and he got gold wings that alowwed him to fly. The other guys stared at him in awe, and were wishing that they had made the right decision.

Picture From Here