Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What I Learneed In Computer Class

I learned that you always need to save because your computer can just shut off on you at any time. I learned that there are many different types of Microsoft Words that you can use. I learned how to cite stuff. Plus how to blog. I dont think you should change how you teach your awsome

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Graduation and the Zoo

Picture From Here

Im so excited theres only 7 more days till the high school graduates. My brother is graduateing, and my grandparents are coming up. The day after, we are gonna go to the zoo. I cant wait Im gonna get to handout with my friends. I like going to see the elefants they are my favorite.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Working Hard Or Being Smart?

Picture From Here
I would rather be smart than be a hard worker. If i was smart then I could use my common sense and make good choices.If I was a hard worker and wasnt smart then i would use bad choices and would probably get fired. I think thet being smart can help you throught life. If you are smart you could be very sucessful.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Summer

Picture From Here
This summer im going to go camping. Then after camping we have my brothers graduation, and birthday then my others brothers birthday. Im really excited cause we are going on a vacation for graduation with som friends of ours, their graduated this year to.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pressing "SEND"

Picture From Here
I have pressed send to quick. After I pressed send I felt really stupid. Some people might not understand what u said and they might take it in totally different way but you know exactually what you ment. Alot of people take things the wrong way.