Thursday, October 9, 2014

This Weekend

This weekend i am going up north with my uncle Mark and a one of his firends. I will be hunting by myself. last monday tusday wednesday I hunted but i missed a doe tuseday night. when i stop it it stoped for like10 sec so I shout and missed right over the back. About this time of the year i live out in the woods but tonight I am not going hunting. I hope I kill one this weekend.
File:Mule deer doe backlit.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

My Famly Book

This book has been in my famly For 213 years. Now it is getting past to me and i get to past it to my first kid. then they past it to there first kid and it will hopfuly stay in your famly for ever. It has all sorts of resipes and speels. It will only to a eye or voise.
INK-DWELL: November 2009

Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Homecoming Game

I am going to the homecome game tomorrow with my dad  and step mom. We are VS North Coney. My cousen went there and they said that we are going to win because they dont have a team. Iam so happy beacuse i can't wait to go i aways have a good time ging with them.
Get In The Game Jefferson County | - The Global Youth Network

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

what you do forget

Whn you turn 15 you forget and you get your perment. They forget because there are old and there morrey is not as good as it used to be. i failed my permet test 2 times in the same day because i did not raed my book so I am going to start reading it so i can start to dirve. Alisha did not read the book and passeed it so did Katy. I thought it was going to be easy.My dad is making me read tho so I have to.
What's in Your Permit Book?

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Timothy Naucke All About me

Bow Hunting

This week I went bow hunting with my dad and I missed a deer 34 yrds away. then a 2 pointer was 10 yrds away but it is agenst the law to kill somting under 4 point on 1 side of the rack. Their was a 12 pointer in front of us of 1 hour but my dad could no seen and it was 50 yrds away. My dad can shoot 60 yrds so he could of shot it.
Digital Photography - 12 Point Buck